Back to the topic of the day. STEVE. 8+ years into our marriage and I still consider him my one and only, my best friend, my lover, my support system, my confidante . . . He makes me laugh every day and he has my back 100% and always lets me know it.
Of course let's not forget he has his faults too. Like he thinks vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate. And he prefers his eggs scrambled instead of over-easy. And sometimes he forgets to email me when he gets to work so I know he got there ok (I have major anxiety). And sometimes he'd rather watch football than listen to me go on and on about my feelings. And once he even ate the last piece of chocolate, thinking I didn't want it?!
Nevertheless, I continually forgive him for these shortcomings because I'm such a good person. Ok, who am I kidding here, this husband of mine is pretty much the greatest husband ever. I feel bad for the rest of you because I took the best man out there. He makes me incredibly happy and I'm so glad I have him in my life. And that I get to celebrate his 30th birthday with him!
Happy Birthday Babe!!!
P.S. I hope I didn't embarrass you too much : )
You guys are adorable, and I loved your post about Steve. You guys are seriously perfectly matched. I wish you lived near us so we could hang out!
Hope your birthday is a great one Stevo.
Love ya.
You are too cute! Happy Birthday Steve, hope it was a good one.
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