Sunday, August 30, 2009

Santa Cruz

Last weekend we took an excursion down to Santa Cruz. We started at The Mystery Spot up in the Santa Cruz redwoods. Very interesting, but it really bothered me that I couldn't figure out the weirdness. Perhaps there is something to it. They call the area a "gravitational anomaly."

Steve is actually standing straight, or at least he thought he was!

Craziest house. I immediately felt dizzy the moment I stepped inside.

Even the trees in that area grow crooked.

Before heading to the Boardwalk we decided to have some fun with our GPS and see what bizarre tourist attractions might be around. And boy did we find something. Just a few miles down the road we found this little museum:


We finally made it to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. We dipped our feet in and MAN was it FREEZING! Nobody was really in the water, most were just sanbathing or playing volleyball.

We tried out one of the rides . . . The Haunted Castle . . . ends up it wasn't so haunted. But the spider on top was a little spooky.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

The Mystery Spot! We went there (Santa Cruz) for our anniversary after we had Connor. That house can make you nauseous if you're not careful. Fun stuff! :)