How long have you and your significant other been together?
Well, we met when we were 14 . . . but didn’t start dating until we were 18. We actually went to my high school Senior Ball together (see 1st picture below). So that makes it our 10 year anniversary this month! The 2nd picture is an engagement one taken July 2001.

Who eats more?
Steve does. Unless it’s chocolate in which case it’s all me.
Who said "I love you" first?
Steve. It took me a week or two to return the line . . . I had to make sure I wasn’t just saying it because he did.
Who is taller?
Thankfully he is! And enough so that I don't have to worry about wearing heels around him.
Who sings better?
Seriously sing? Steve. But I can really belt it out in the car or late at night with my sister or best friend.
Who is smarter?
I think Steve is (obviously, see picture below with Regis Philbin), but he’d probably say I am. So I’ll say we’re both smart but in different areas. We’re a good balance.

Who does the laundry?
Usually me. But I hate the folding part so Steve usually takes over from there.
Who does the dishes?
Steve doesn’t mind loading and unloading the dishwasher but hates pots and pans. So we share the responsibility.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
The right side when facing the bed is ALWAYS me, I can't sleep on the left. But he usually ends up on my side with me in the morning.
Who pays the bills?
Me. I enjoy paying bills and budgeting. But I have to say it was much more fun when we had two incomes to work with!
Who mows the lawn?
No lawn right now, and I couldn’t be happier about that! Back in our house in DC, Steve always mowed.
Who cooks dinner?
Usually me, but when I’m not in the mood Steve is always happy to take over. Dinner always tastes better when someone else cooks it for you, doesn't matter what it is.
Who drives when you are together?
Both . . . he’s at the wheel and I’m the backseat driver. Sorry babe!
Who is more stubborn?
This is so obvious, ME.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
Steve. In fact, he’ll even say he’s wrong when it’s really me just to keep me happy! Is that healthy? He's way too good for me, I know.
Who kissed who first?
Steve kissed me first, but I for sure kissed back.

Who proposed?
Steve did . . . on accident! It kind of just popped out before he had planned on it. And it will be 7 wonderful years together in September. I love you babe!
Who is more sensitive?
Me. Most people probably wouldn’t think that but I’m pretty sensitive. And I consider it one of my weaknesses and am working to overcome it.
Who has more siblings?
I’ve got him beat by 2. There are 10 in my family and 8 in his. Yeah . . . insane.
Who wears the pants?
Totally depends on the issue. But as far as jeans are concerned, he’s only allowed to wear the ones I pick out for him. : )
1 comment:
You guys are TOO cute!!
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