Wow, Blackjack has really settled down since the last time I posted pictures on here. Don't get me wrong, he's still crazy but he actually sits still now sometimes and will even snuggle up on our laps! We thought the day would never come!
This morning he woke us up at 5 as usual (even though it's Sunday). So we let him out to do his business and then let him snuggle in our bed with us. After a bit of fidgeting he found his way under the covers to the bottom of the bed and slept in a lump on my feet for another couple of hours while we got to sleep in.
His favorite place to be when I'm on the computer. Not so easy to type with this guy on my lap. Especially when he tries to eat the keyboard and papers on the desk.
Playing with his little squeaky stuffed lizard, one of the few toys he hasn't torn apart. Actually, he did eat the tongue and the tag off the first day, but that's pretty darn good!
Yesterday he managed to tear apart the supposed "indestructable boomerang" within 5 minutes. That was returned to PetSmart today. How is it the big labs and rottweilers shown on the tag don't tear the toy apart but a little 20 pound pug/beagle mix does it in a matter of minutes!
I can see you, and I know you're up to something . . .
Stop humiliating me!
Playing musical chairs at PetSmart Training this afternoon.
Typical Blackjack playing before training. Always goes for the big dogs and always for the ears.
He's very cute. Can't wait to meet him! (I'll be sure to hide our toys that don't come with a guarantee). :)
haha. but you know what's funny, he has not destroyed a single piece of funiture or clothing or anything. a few bite marks here and there on the desk chair leg and the bakers rack but that's about it. we watched him in the beginning very closely and stopped him immediately when he tried doing anything not ok. looks like it helped!
we've left him alone to roam the house for several short stints and every time he's been fine, we come home and he's just chilling on the couch.
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