Steve dragged me to the Demolition Derby Friday night at the state fair...I thought it was going to be some boring event that only guys care about cuz it makes them feel more manly or something...but it was AWESOME!!! I think I had more fun than Steve! There's something about watching cars ram eachother to shreds that is just so entertaining! What a great way to get out your agression :)

Getting ready for the derby. So funny watching them smash in their own cars before the derby started. Apparently, a smashed up car is either better protected or is a better weapon once in the arena.

All lined up ready to go at it...they line up facing away from each other on opposite sides of the arena. After the countdown they all gas it up and get up as much speed as they can and ram the cars on the other side. Then they go at it everyone against each other until only one car is still running.

In the finale there must have been 25 cars out there! Several fires started up and had to be put out but the fight went on for more than 30 minutes! To the death...

After all was said and done and the winner was declared, most everyone else had to either be towed away or carried off by a tractor...notice the driver still inside. Red flags were thrown when fires started up. The announcer would then yell at any drivers who were stuck in demolished cars and wanted to vacate the arena, that if they wanted to escape, that was their time, run for it! Some chose to stay anyway. Now that's dedication.

The stadium was packed. Oops, not looking at the camera, but hey, you can see my new haircut.