I cannot even believe Jill is 6 months already! (actually, she's almost 7 now, but I just got her pictures from the photo shoot). She has two bottom teeth that she got at 5 months, and she is army crawling pretty fast across the room. She still loves her solids. She has yet to not like something. Carrots, peas, squash, apples, peaches, pears, beans, tomatoes . . . she likes it all!
27.5 inches (96th percentile)
15 lbs 13 oz (47th percentile)

And some other pictures from home:
She's getting so big! We can't wait to see you guys next month. Owen still talks about baby Jill. By the way, I think she looks just like you Sarah. Too cute!
Love these pics, Sarah! My favorite is the one of you and Jill. So cute!
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