We hadn't been planning to start fostering for a few weeks (once we'd been to training) but when the shelter called desperate for a home for this little puppy that was on "the list" I couldn't say no. I picked her up yesterday and she is doing really well. We've named her Pepper. She and Blackjack get along great, they chase each other in circles and tug on toys together. I think she's a good influence on Blackjack! They follow each other everywhere and copy everything. I finally had to separate them last night when Pepper was tired and wanted a break and Blackjack wouldn't leave her alone. They sat on opposite sides of the couch staring at each other, pretty funny.
If anyone is interested in adopting her, or knows anyone that might be, she's cute as can be. She's about 1 and is a black terrier mix with white speckled feet. When she's with Blackjack or has toys she's very playful and prances around the room. ("very girly-like" says Steve). But when she's by herself she's cute and snuggly and likes attention. She slept through the night last night without a peep in her crate and she seems to be house-trained, but time will tell. No accidents yet and she's really good at going right outside on the grass.
She'll be at the Pleasanton Famers Market Dog Adoptions on Saturday from 10-1.
Now I just need to learn how to walk two dogs at the same time . . .
WOW! How old is she and where did she come from?
she's 10 months they think and she's a stray.
How cute! Two dogs! Is that a handful? I've heard people really like having 2 dogs 'cause they play together. Not that you're keeping Pepper forever.
I showed Grant the pictures of the dogs. He wanted to tell you something.
Grant says:
Thank you for showing me the dogs on your thing. I like you. Thank you for coming over to our house. (giggle). I miss you. A lot. And I like Blackjack too. I like to play with him. I want to write some notes to you. I want you to see my lego ship that I made. I'm going to show you something when you come over. My Lego Star Wars game I got for my birthday. Bye.
Oh my gosh Beth, Grant is such a cutie!
We're actually toying with the idea of coming out there for Christmas, we'll see what happens. Tell Grant I can't wait to see his Lego Star Wars game :)
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