He's a Puggle (mix of pug and beagle) and is 6 months old. We’ve named him BlackJack. If you read our blog, this is the same puppy I posted a picture of back in July. Remember the one I wanted to get but couldn’t because Steve was in Houston? Well, since Steve’s been back we’ve gone to look at a few other younger puppies and then on Monday we saw this little guy was still available but had been moved to another location. We drove up so Steve could meet him and . . . brought him home with us that night!
He’s about as big as he’s supposed to get at about 20 pounds and he’s crazy! He's got tons of energy. We’re working on house training him. 6 months is a long time to go without any training so it’ll be a challenge but we knew that going into it. He’s been getting lots of attention from us and plenty of walks. He’s in the teething stage so he likes to chew on his toys, but more often our hands and arms and anything else he can get in his little mouth.
He hasn’t learned to go to sleep yet in his kennel without barking (which we won’t allow, we have neighbors and we are NOT those kind of neighbors!). He doesn't like us to leave him alone. So we’ve ended up laying next to his kennel until he falls to sleep or relaxes enough that his yelping is down to a wimper. Other than that he really hasn’t barked much, more just wimpering and weezing when he gets too excited. And he is easily excitable! He's a lot of fun, and a lot of work! But he's well worth it :)
On a breather while out on a walk with Steve.
Chewing away on his basketball toy. When we went to see him they’d given him a rag doll to play with. But he’s a boy, no dolls for this boy.
It may take a while to train him not to do this! “BlackJack, NO!”
His baby picture, around 10 weeks old.