Last month was another month full of firsts. Jill now pulls herself up to stand on pretty much anything she finds. The couch, her crib, the treadmill, the barstools, my legs, and her newest, the dog. He's not a fan.
She also loves to climb. Especially the stairs. Which is problematic because babies learn how to go UP stairs much earlier than they learn to go DOWN them safely. So baby gates it is.
Climbing the stairs.
Climbing on the treadmill.

And her newest, climbing in the dishwasher.
She also loves crawling in, around, and through everything. Especially squeezing through tight spaces.
Crawling behind the couch.
Crawling behind the table.
Crawling through the table.
Climbing under the barstool.
She finds a way to fit between anything.
We went to another Giants game this month. Decided to take a chance and do a night game, even though the game started right at Jill's bedtime. She did great! Took maybe a 30 minute snoozer while there, otherwise she had a blast watching everything and charming the people behind us. What a trooper.
Still not aware that some toys are the dog's. Blackjack doesn't quite know how to deal with the issue.
Blackjack as a little girl. Couldn't resist trying the hat on him.
Bribing a baby. Starting young.
Swing time!
Some meals don't go as well as others.