Ok, this is getting pathetic. If I make it on here once a month to post Jill pictures, I call it good. But it's not. I don't think I've even mentioned the fact that we closed on our home back in August and have been living in it since. Pictures to come on that, I promise. Later.
For now, Jill is 11 months! And she is everywhere, getting into everything. She is not just walking now, but trying to run. I can barely catch her nowadays before she reaches the stairs or the dog bowl. She is keeping us on our toes, that's for sure. It is so fun watching her learn new things every single day. She copies us, what we do, what we say . . . we need to start being careful! She says mama and dada and baba, but still not so much with meaning yet. Her real word is "HI!" She says it all the time.
Now for some pictures:
Taking the popcorn popper for a walk.

Um, sorry, that sock does not belong to either one of you!

All of them smiling at the same time!
She's a leaner. Especially against the dog. Obviously he loves it. Especially when she grabs on to his tail for dear life.
Jill's new favorite toy to sit/stand/climb on. I haven't gotten a picture yet of her standing on it while raising her hands above her head. It's a toss up between scolding her and making her sit down...or grabbing my camera.
Brushing teeth while bathing. Or more accurately, biting off the bristles while bathing.
Must put hand in every water glass. Must.
She found her nose. Wonderful.
What a mess! We're just glad she does SO much better with solid foods than with milk.
First time falling asleep while eating.
Helping me pack Dad's lunchbag.