Blackjack has been attending weekly puppy training classes through PetSmart. I hate to say it but he really was the best puppy there in my humble opinion. Even if he only went for the social time and endless treats.
We took a little family trip up to Sedona for Thanksgiving this year. Blackjack came along for his first real road trip and he did really well. It rained most of the time we were there but it did clear up just long enough to go on a couple of hikes and do some window shopping in the cute little shops of Sedona. The red rock is beautiful! Especially with all the fog, very cool.
Thanksgiving morning hike:
Downtown Sedona
The view on the drive to Flagstaff for our Thanksgiving feast.
The amazing rainbow we saw on our drive back from Flagstaff after we'd stuffed ourselves silly.
Blackjack riding in the back of the car. He did pretty well until we realized it had gotten a little too quiet. We pulled over and ends up he had found a sealed water bottle back there which he promptly chewed the top off and was holding the bottle upright in his paws while chewing on the cap. All the while keeping the water from spilling!
A couple cute pictures of the puppy.
We got Blackjack a little gourmet donut dog treat in Sedona, it being the season of overeating and everything.
I swear I wasn't eating the dirt!
Nor was I eating leaves, how dare you accuse me of something so ridiculous!