As I drove to work this morning, I started thinking about all the things I'm going to miss about Phoenix. And it made me really depressed, even though I'm very excited about moving to San Francisco. Phoenix is the only place we've lived that I feel like we could truly call home for a long time. I mean, how could I not love:
1. The actual tan my skin gets here! No laughing, it IS tanner than it's ever been in my life.
2. The wonderful DRY heat that is so nice to lay out in. A lazy river in Phoenix is as good as it gets people. I never knew the sun could be so relaxing. Apartment pools are everywhere and they're open year round with no lifeguards.
3. All the outdoor things to do around here (albeit they are much more fun to do October thru April).
4. Not having to highlight my hair so much, the sun is a more natural way to go. Going without highlights is not even an option. I would highlight my hair over eating. As my mom once said, my natural hair color is "dirty dishwater blonde." YUCK.
5. Phoenix is driving distance to lots of cool places: Vegas, Grand Canyon, Mexico, Flagstaff, Sedona, Las Vegas . . . Vegas is my second favorite city, for many of the same reasons Phoenix is. DRY HEAT = perfection!
6. We can leave the door open for the dog October through April and not worry about the heat or a/c going out the door. No bugs here either, but that may just be our complex.
7. I don't have to stress about big spiders, cicadas, and bugs falling from the trees overhead or off the underside of the backyard deck. Yes, this was an issue back in the DC humidity! It was TERRIFYING.
8. Burning more calories in less time due to an increased amount of sweat.
9. My box of winter clothes stays in storage. The coldest weather here is at the office when the a/c is blasted too high.
10. I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe for San Francisco weather. We Phoenicians wear just enough clothing to cover the bare essentials. Such freedom, I love it!
To make myself feel a little better, I made a list of all the
DOWNFALLS of living in Phoenix.
1. Triple digits are expected tomorrow and it's still April!
2. My electric bill will go way down.
3. I won't have to fight Steve on whether to keep the a/c at 82 degrees or 84.
4. I'll no longer get in my car only to find my water bottle that was sitting there all day is not just hot, it's literally at boiling temperature.
5. I won't dehydrate after 5 minutes of hiking.
6. I can wear my hair down for more than 6 months out of the year.
7. I can go outside for more than 10 minutes without sunscreen.
8. I can walk barefoot by the pool, and flip-flops won't be a necessity at all times. Even at the waterpark in Phoenix, one must wear shoes all the way to the slide and hold them over your head as you slide down.
9. I will no longer come home from a day in the sun to wash my hands in the sink only to find that the water temperature gets no cooler than lightly scalding hot between the months of April and October. How refreshing!
10. All this sun = more freckles = me no happy!
I suppose I could give San Francisco a try . . .